This is Time for Self-responsibility & Actualization: Dr. Zakar

Okara (HRNW)- The global Corona Virus outbreak and its repercussions on Pakistan is a huge scientific and societal catastrophe which need to be dealt by showing sheer sense of responsibility, said by the Vice Chancellor University of Okara Prof. Dr. Muhammad Zakria Zakar in his message to the UO community.
Dr. Zakar, who is a renowned behavioral scientist, told that the spread of this deadly disease could only be curtailed by altering human behaviors. He urged the UO students and staff specifically and the public at large generally to strictly observe social distancing and take great care of hygiene by frequently washing hands. He also stressed the need of avoiding hospital visits for minor illness as it could trigger the spread of the ailment.
He furthered viewed, “The time we are spending at our homes is the time of self-actualization. We should meditate on our lives and behaviors and try to bring positive and productive change in them. By adopting healthy behaviors, we can overcome the Coronal Virus and return to normal life.”
According to the university spokesperson, the UO has successfully launched a comprehensive system of eLearning and all 12,000 students are currently being engaged by more than 400 teachers in online lectures and webinars. This plan was implemented in wake of the Higher Education Commission’s directions to ensure the off-campus academic activity.

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